Access Layer

Access Layer is the first layer where the users' request come to, and it also can be called as gateway.

From the function perspective, gateway usually can be divided into 2 sub layers, one system-oriented and one business-oriented. But sometimes, it's possible to have some overlaps between this two.

System Gateway

This type gateway providing functions such as,

  • Load Balancing
  • Access Control
  • Request Forwarding
    • Routing (for example, IDC level routing)

Business Oriented Gateway

Which locates behind the previous one, and it focuses more on business related functions, including but not limited to:

  • Request Oriented:
    • Request Cleaning. Request validation and normalization for example.
    • Authentication & Authorization
    • Request Forwarding.
    • Session & Cookie Management
  • Traffic Oriented:
    • Rate Limit
    • Traffic Split. By region, by IDC etc.
    • Circuit Breaker
  • Business Oriented:
    • Business Security. Auti-fraud, for example
  • System Oriented:
    • Security. CSRF
    • Observability.
      • Metrics
      • Tracing
      • Log



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